Step 3

After you have completed the second row, it's now time to finish the last row.

The first thing we need to do is place all the corners in their rightful positions, they don't have to be facing the correct way, but as long as the piece with the red, blue, yellow faces is in the corner that has those three colours, it is correct.

Example below, the red, yellow, blue piece is not positioned correctly, but all we want to do is to get it into that corner.

To do this you may have to switch the left corner with the right corner, or the right corner with the left corner.

If you need to switch the left corner with the right corner you use this algorithm.

If you need to switch the right corner with the left corner you use this algorithm

When using these algorithms, the face of the cube is when the piece that you want to move is on the top right. In this case if we wanted to switch the red,yellow,blue piece to either the right or left side then the blue face would be the face of our cube.

Now that we have the corners in their correct places, we'll solve for the corners and try to get them matching the colours in the correct positions.

To do this, we will use this Algorithm

When using this algorithm the face of the cube is in one of these postions:
Note: Only pay attention to the top row. Ie. Unfinished row

In this scenario, the face is the blue side and that is because on the right face (red side) there are 2 yellows, one on the top left and one on the top right. In this case you may perform the algorithm on the blue face.
In this scenario, the face is the red side. To identify this, there must be a yellow (base colour) in the corner, in this case the yellow,red,green block is in the corner. And then on the green face there is a yellow block at the top right. If you see this situation, perform the algorithm on the red face.

In this scenario, the face is the blue side. To identify this, there must be a yellow (base colour) in the corner, in this case the yellow,red,green block is in the corner. And then on the green face there is a yellow block at the top right. If you see this situation, perform the algorithm on the blue face.

You may have to perform this algorithm numerous times, sometimes even 5 or more instances.
Once you complete it, all the corners should be in the correct orientation: